Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Tears for the New Years!

So the New Year is upon us and this is when we are supposed to make a New Years resolution. I usually don't make one and if I do I sure as heck don't keep it. But today as I was watching the movie "In Her Shoes" and started crying at the end it came to me. I'm the biggest baby in the world. I cry over everything, not even stuff about me, I mean everything. I can be driving in the car and a love song comes on and I will start to cry, doesn't even have to be a sad one, just has to do with love. I cry in movies that people would never think you could cry about, like "Beverly Hills Chihuahua." So I think my New Years resolution will be to stop being such a cry baby. Now I probably can't stop completely, but I can try to control the crazy little out bursts of meaningless tears. Happy New Year everybody!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Life

So i moved to Colorado to be with my husband when he gets home form Iraq. At first I was so scared about being alone for so long, because my biggest fear in life is being alone. Once here though I was taken in by the beauty of the state. My fears started to calm but not completely go away. I kept busy by setting up the apartment and decorating. Then I had to register for school and pick my classes and all that jazz. Well now the smoke has cleared and the activities are starting to die down, and I'm realizing how I didn't notice that the most painful thing of all this is being away from my family and best friends. I thought the fear of being alone was because Colt wouldn't be home till February, but I was wrong. Even when he is home I will still have this feeling. Being alone isn't just about your significant other, its also about the rest of the people that mean the most to you in your life. When I have my silly crying spells Sarah won't be here to buy me pajama pants to make me smile, or joke with me till I'm happy again. I can't go to Deb's work everyday and bug the crap out of her about meaningless stuff because I just want to be around her. My mom isn't here to hug me every chance she gets and cry on my shoulder when she has her silly spells (runs in the family). I can't be there for my little brothers last year as a kid before he leaves and becomes to grown up for me to call him my baby brother. I know I will make friends here, but they will never take the place of the awesome friends I have in Texas. So in closing...I made a huge step in life conquering my biggest fear and I think so far I'm holding myself together quite nicely.